Today I taught the subject that I dread every year in math: integers; you know, positive and negative numbers. It's a concept that students will either get right away or they won't. And if they don't, it makes teaching pre-algebra absolutely brutal. I did a step-by-step tutorial using number lines they made themselves. I was stunned that my most of my class understood it right away and a few students were ready to abandon the number line halfway through the lesson. That's like going from counting on your fingers to doing math in your head in an hour. Not bad, huh? The best thing about these kids is that not one of them asked when they would ever use integers in real life. By the time they get to middle school, they question whether anything is relevant.�
Today, I discovered why integers are not only relevant, but crucial to our everyday lives. And it happened on
So I checked my matches today. There were two. The first guy got a thumbs-up from me as soon as I saw that he had not only read a few books, but many of the same books I love. Then I got to the next guy and that's how I came up with this number, -11. Remember that. it's going to be important later.�
I'm going to call this guy WTF. Because seriously, WTF?? I was matched with WTF because...we both like music. That's it. I don't even know what kind of music because WTF didn't see fit to fill out that part of the profile. There were no other commonalities, not even You Both Love Dining Out (duh?) or You Both Like Movies. The only thing they could find is that we like our noise to be rhythmical.�
He's age-appropriate (50)
Doesn't smoke
Makes a good living (Hey, the recession isn't over for everyone.)
Wants more children
He begins his "essay" by discussing how he's a widower whose father died when he was a kid and that was the saddest day of his life. Uh, nice to meet you, too?
Has 25 year-old child; wants 25 year-old wife, but no older than 45
Does not drink at all but doesn't care if I do. What fun is that?
Can't list a single book, play or movie he enjoyed
He's conservative, which can mean a variety of outlooks these days
Very religious, doesn't care if I am, and wants to raise "god fearing" children. Raising children in fear, and apparently also in confusion. How fulfilling. At least "god loving" would have sounded less scary.
It really only looks about 5 to 6 which is really a minus one, which isn't that bad, right? Wrong. When you weigh the categories, the scores look much different:�
Age (+1)� It's not as important these days.Smoker/Non-Smoker (+5) It's a deal-breaker for me; Money (+2) As long as it's in the vicinity of what I make, that's fine; Education (+3) It matters, but the best debates I've ever had have been with friends who didn't go to college; Kids (+5) Deal-breaker.� So that's a score of 16.�
Now let's check into the WTF category. Sob story (-3) I know he's nervous, but do we both need to be depressed? And his overall Bad Essay (-5) tells me nothing except what he thinks I want to read ("communication and honesty are very important to me"); Ewww (-5) Will not date a woman his own age but will date a woman his daughter's age (I always check for his minimum age requirement -- it's as important as the max.); No Alkeehall (-1) It's okay to have some fun, right? No Fun (-5) What are we supposed to do together, besides the obvious, if he doesn't seem to like anything? Conservative (-3) It's a fundamentally different outlook on life, but it's not fatal if he just couldn't find a label that fit correctly; Religious (-5) We're on opposite sides of the spectrum here: it does neither of us any good to be matched -- he didn't list "atheist" as a possibility and I didn't list a variety of religions under mine. This fail is all Our WTF earns a -27.
The difference, of course, is -11. Yes, the numbers are arbitrary, but the value of meeting someone with the same political and religious beliefs is not. Clearly, our values are not the least bit similar. I can't imagine what we'd do on our first date, because he appears to have no interests except in making me cry.�
Article Source:, Dorothy".".24 Apr. May. 2011
Moody, D. (2011, April 24). . Retrieved May 25, 2011, from Style Citation:
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Article Submitted On: April 24, 2011

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