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Once upon a time in a land far, far away, I knew a guy. This guy was interesting because he lived his life by everything bad, not good. That may sound a little strange but consider your life and the conversations you may have on any given day. How often are you inundated with advertising, or endorsements from friends or messages preaching the positives of something? For example, "This restaurant is great because it has the best salad bar in town." Or how about, "You should shop at Nordstrom's this weekend because they are having a great sale!" My most recent message, "You should stay at this hotel because they have the largest rooms!"
Everybody in the world from industry to people always puts their best foot forward. They highlight the good, and hide the bad. We sell based on our assets, we win based on being the best. This did not work on the guy I knew. He lived his life by everything bad. He wanted to know that the lettuce in the salad was 3 days old instead of fresh. If that was not bad enough for him to avoid, he would eat the salad. If the sale at Nordstrom's was going on, he would want to know the mark-up Nordstrom's is making on each on sale item. If it was not too much, he would shop the sale. If this guy was hotel shopping, he would want to know that the maid service is horrible, and that the room smelled like smoke. If he could live with the bad, he would move forward.
Let's take his notion and talk about something so very near and dear to all of our wandering hearts. The theory here: If you knew all the things bad about dating online, can you live with them? Does the benefit outweigh the drawbacks?
1) There are a lot of fake profiles on dating websites. Fake profiles are spammers posing as real people. When choosing a website to meet people, you have a lot of options. Many dating sites have advanced spam filters and moderators that block spam activity and thus, keeping the nuisance to a minimum. On the flip side the vast majority of websites do not have any spam filters, meaning 9 out of every 10 members are fake! Pick your website of choice carefully, and know that no matter what, you have to be weary of spammers.
2) The quality of online candidates is low. While this perception of online dating cannot be considered false, it most certainly cannot be considered true! People believe that those who online date cannot find a date in real life because they are not good looking or are socially inept. Fact: Not all people on online dating websites look like Brad Pitt or Megan Foxx. Fact: Some people join dating websites because they are not graced with the skill or confidence to meet strangers in a social environment. Fact: Just because the first two are facts, it does not mean these are poor quality members! Bottom line, a dating website is a reflection of the real world and there is something for everyone. Who is anybody to judge what is good or bad? Realize that when you date online, have to meet people you're not going to like until you find your perfect match. That's life. The next time you are in a crowded room, look around you. It'll resemble all the members on an inernet dating site.
3) There aren't enough people in my area. For many dating websites, especially the younger ones, this is most certainly true, especially if you live in a rural area. If this is the case, you have two things you may have to learn to deal with. - You could meet somebody online through a dating website that lives in the nearest major city or town to you, and commute. The commute may be a drag, but would you drive an hour to find the man of your dreams? Your other option is to join the website, and keep checking your profile on a weekly basis to keep track of all the new people joining who live in your area, and have first pick of the litter! If you feel like being philanthropic, you can even share the dating profile with some of your friends, who will then share it with their friends via Facebook, Twitter or whatever. Before you know it, a huge number of people will be joining that internet dating website in your area, and you're not going to know any of them!
4) Online dating is frowned upon. It may be shocking, but even in today's world there are people who do not respect the service internet dating provides the lonely. In their defense, these people have low confidence, low self esteem and will probably be single forever. They are not date worthy. Those who online date need courage to try something new, wisdom to play the online introduction game, and the confidence to dismiss the fools who judge. At the end of the day, you will marry and live a happy life, and they will not.
In conclusion, Online Dating Sucks! So do hotel rooms, so does Nordstrom's, and so do all restaurants. No matter what the service, subject, or product, there is something wrong with them. Online dating is not for everybody, because for some, the bad outweighs the good. On the flip side, you should now know the negative things about online dating. Are you able to deal with the bad when the end result could be the love of your life? You be the judge...
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Draven, Eric J.".".17 Apr. 2011EzineArticles.com.25 May. 2011
Draven, E. J. (2011, April 17). . Retrieved May 25, 2011, from http://ezinearticles.com/?What-Sucks-About-Online-Dating&id=6187768Chicago Style Citation:
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Article Submitted On: April 17, 2011

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