Types of Online Dating Services - Find The Best Service For You
HIV Dating Tips for Positive Singles
Perhaps you have thought about using an HIV dating service? Women and men both use these services, but the ratio is that more men will pay to get hooked up with a woman.
For example, on Positive Singles, an STD dating service, women make up 40 percent of the HIV dating pool while men made up 60 percent based on a recent survey. Also, males are much more likely to purchase HIV dating services with several paid plans permitting women to subscribe for free while guys have to pay a significant fee.
Why is it that when it comes to an HIV dating service, women are so reluctant to "put themselves out there?" It boils down to women unwilling to be seen as the aggressors in a romantic relationship.
Women should flirt, to be teased, and to have a little bit of a dancing prior to a date is made. On an HIV dating website, these women have to come out and say "I want a date. Here are the things I want in a man. Here are the things I provide." That's too frank for many women.
But that doesn't suggest that men ought to lose hope about utilizing HIV dating services. For example, when several women won't commence by putting up a profile of their very own, they may browse by means of the profiles men have created. When they see someone who looks fascinating, they'll possibly be willing to create a profile so that they can make contact with the individual.
Further, although the chances are stacked in support of the women, you will find still a fair number of women inside the dating data banks.
Here's some advice regarding how to work with an HIV dating service. Women really like particulars. Don't blend into the crowd. A lot of men say they like walks on the beach at sunset. Instead, say something funny or unique.
If you make a declarative statement within your online dating profile, make use of the word "because." I like foreign films because they remind me of the time I spent in Europe being an exchange student in high school. I like anime simply because I love my inner geek. Not only does this explain your choices to ones potential new girlfriend, it also helps you refine what you write.
However, you might be not only writing about the things you've to supply in a relationship. You are also able to talk about the things you would like in a woman you're dating.
Too many men do not take full advantage of this when utilizing an HIV dating service. Women are not helped by basic terms like "no psychos please." They need details too. They need you to weed out the women whom you would never invest more than one short date with. If a lot more females were confident that an HIV dating service date would lead to a relationship, even more women might make use of the service. About the Author
Larry runs an HIV Positive Dating site for Positive Singles. The site is open to all for HIV Dating no matter the sexual preference.
Larry Clark
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How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back Before Some Other Chick Snatches Him Up!
Dating can be tough and if you have not experienced a breakup in your life, you will. For all those of us who have gone through breakups but are still madly in love with the ex boyfriend and are wondering how to get your ex boyfriend back, this article provides some helpful tips and resources.
How To Get Your Ex Boyfriend Back First Steps
Before you go racing off to discover how to win him back or find various resources to show you how to get your ex boyfriend back, you need to simply take a second to breathe. Agree to the breakup and do not sink into counterproductive behaviors such as begging him to stay or making false promises that you hope to manipulate him with into staying with you.
If your boyfriend has decided to break up with you especially if the two of you have been in a long term relationship and built strong feelings for each other, you have to know that this decision to break up did not come easy. Even if you are the one that broke up with him and are now having second thoughts, there are underlying reasons for wanting the relationship to end. The best way to respond to a breakup is to simply act like you agree with it especially if you ever hope to win him back and keep him from other chicks.
By seeming to agree to the breakup, you are simply validating his thoughts and desires and not making him seem to be stupid for wanting to breakup with you. By begging him, incessantly calling or stalking him and other counterproductive ways that you think will help get your ex boyfriend back, you are only making the situation worse. You are making it seem like he does not know his own mind and what he wants.
Many who are broken up with cannot seem to leave the ex alone which will only annoy him and push him farther away from you and into the arms of another woman. This begging and pleading is even expected by the one who is dumping another which will only convince him that he made the right decision about you.
For effective ways on how to get your ex boyfriend back, you need to first agree to the breakup and cease all communications with him for a period of time. This may take him by surprise and he may start to wonder what is up with you and why you so readily agreed to the breakup without begging him to take you back or constantly being in his face.
You would not be experiencing this breakup if there weren't any underlying problems in the relationship. This time away from him should be used to get to the bottom of what led to the breakup. Use the information that your ex boyfriend may have given you or hinted at during the relationship and possibly during the breakup and see whether anything can be done to eradicate the problem so that you do not make up only to breakup again, because the underlying problems in the relationship have not been dealt with and fixed.
Is it something that he did or something that you did? Would it be possible for the relationship to move past the identified issue if you still desire to get your ex boyfriend back? Is the reason he broke up with you because he is no longer in love with you. If so, is there a way to rekindle the love. Have you changed so much that he no longer recognizes you? Did you not take the time to nourish the relationship and the love you both had for each other. If you want to know how to get your ex boyfriend back, now is the time to discover what went wrong.
This time apart from your boyfriend should not solely be spent on obsessing about your boyfriend and trying to find ways to get him back. Take a little time to focus on you. Take advantage of this time to go out and have fun. Finally join a gym if you have been plagued for years with those final 10 pounds that you want to lose. Get a hobby. Spend time with the girlfriends you may have neglected or go out and make new friends. Get to your happy place.
It is important when you are trying to figure out how to get your ex boyfriend back to remember that your happiness should not depend on a boyfriend. That is too much work for him. You do not need him to complete you. He simply adds to your life and the various experiences that you have in your life. About the Author
These are only a few tips if you are trying to figure out how to get your ex boyfriend back that you should implement immediately after a breakup. For the next steps in trying to win him back, visit http://howtogetyourexboyfriendbacktips.webs.com/apps/blog/ for step by step resources that will show you what to do next to win him back fast and out of the clutches of a new chick. Get the love you miss back in your life today!
Lydia Stevens
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Meet People For Free: 5 Tips to Increase Your Success With Women
Meeting women and having conversations with them is a great way to improve your social skills and to potentially meet the love of your life. While that is easy to say, walking up to a stranger and starting a conversation out of the blue can be an intimidating process for many. In this short guide, I'm going to share with you 5 tips you can implement immediately. While there are many, many ways to improve your success with women, here are 5 for you to start with:
Tip #1 - Take Initiative. Meeting women can be done anytime and anywhere. For some people, this may include coffee shops, the gym, or places that are part of their day-to-day routine. For others, meeting women may consist of evening activities such as bars, dance clubs, or even happy hour at their favorite restaurant. Regardless of the situation, if you see somebody that you want to meet, don't be shy about it. Walk up to them and start a conversation. This simple action shows confidence and INSTANTLY reveals A LOT about you to other women.
For many people, the process leading up to the interaction is typically the most nerve wrecking. Thoughts of self doubt and uncertainty may pop into a person's head during this short period of time before the interaction. However, the key thing to note is that once the conversation has been started and you're interacting with a woman, most fear and nervousness typically disappear.
Tip #2 - Talk About Your Passions. Starting a conversation with a complete stranger can sometimes be an uncomfortable process for many. Often times, the question of "What do I talk about?" arises. To ease that concern, talk about topics that you are passionate about. When you are passionate about something, you're more likely to make eye contact, smile, and emit positive energy. When you emit this type of positive energy, you will naturally begin to attract more women into your life.
Most women already have enough things that they have to worry about in their daily lives. Be passionate and enthusiastic about what you're doing with your own life. If your life doesn't excite you, take some time to figure out what makes you happy. Life is short. Make the most out of it. If you aren't living a life that you are excited and passionate about, you are being robbed of the joy that every human being on this earth deserves.
Tip #3 - Be a Good Listener. Listen carefully to what other people say, both verbally and non-verbally. At any given point in time, people are always communicating, either verbally or non-verbally. By listening and being attentive to these forms of communication, you'll be able to learn more about others, connect on a deeper level, and build more of a connection.
When listening, it is critical to be real and authentic during this process. When the other person is talking, try not to interrupt with your point of view. Every individual is unique and offers a unique interpretation of life based on their personal experiences. Take a moment to sincerely listen to the other person and understand their viewpoint and perspective. When you do this, it shows that you care for them on a deeper level and respect their opinion. When you apply this in your interactions with women, the odds of building a deeper connection and building attraction instantly increase.
Tip #4 - Flirt and Be Able to Recognize Flirting. One of the keys to connecting on a deeper level with women is through flirting. This includes eye contact, physical contact through playful touching, teasing, or maintaining a playful mood through the stories and conversation that you have. By doing a combination of any one of these, you will automatically set yourself apart from other guys in her life. This automatically increases the chances of her NOT placing you in the "friend zone".
In addition to connecting and flirting with women, it is equally important to recognize the signs that a woman may be flirting with you. What are some signs that she may be flirting or interested in you? Some signs may include eye contact, smiling, playing with her hair, putting herself in proximity of you, mirroring your actions, physically touching you, talking to you with a big smile on her face, or having conversation that consists of teasing or being playful. Though these signs may not always be 100% telltale signs that she is interested, more often than not, they are good indicators that she is.
Tip #5 - Don't Be Afraid to Ask For Her Contact Info. At the end of your conversation, if there is a mutual connection and you think this person would be somebody worth knowing, ask for their contact information. This can be in the form of a phone number, email address, business card, or some form of social media contact. Preferably, you want to get their phone number because this is the most direct form of communication available. Doing so allows you the option of talking directly via the phone or communicating via text message. Both these avenues are effective methods because most people have their phones by them 24/7.
So to reiterate, ASK for a woman's contact information! Many men forget this important step because of a variety of reasons. In many cases, men either forget or are too shy. In other cases, the fear of rejection sets in. If that is you, GET OVER IT! There will be women that you meet in your life that will give you their contact information, and there will be women in your life who don't. That is just how things go. If you constantly live in fear of being rejected, you are robbing yourself of the opportunity to meet somebody great! Every master was once a disaster. Any person who has any level of success in life, regardless of their field, was once terrible at it. So if you're terrible at meeting women and getting their contact information, consider this the path to your mastery.
By incorporating these 5 tips, you'll be well on your way to improving your overall success when meeting women and having conversations with them. And lastly, the key thing about this entire process is that you get to meet people for free! You can't beat that. So get out there, take action, and implement the tips listed above. By doing so, you just might meet somebody special.
And to get your Free Instant Access to many more powerful tips just like these about dating and more, you are invited to visit my Blog Page at http://www.JungleTransformation.com
You can also ask me your most important questions there as well
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Go to the Best Places to Pick Up Women
Some guys are having a hard time finding the best places to pick up women same as how they are having a hard time talking to them. If you happen to be one of those guys who goes to the wrong places just to search for women and at the end of the day go how empty-handed, then this is the time for you to stop on your countless efforts and listen up for we are going to differentiate to you the place to look for women to date from the place not to go looking for them, and also we are going to teach you how to approach women, so at the end of this article you'll be expected to deal with a women to score a date smoothly.
The common mistake of guys why they can't score a date with an attractive women is because they go looking and talking to them at the wrong place. Guys should not be looking for a woman to date on a crowded place like bars because for sure all attractive women are pretty much tired of a lot of guys going near them and asking to buy them a drink just to score a date, this way you have lesser chance to score on a date with them thus failing you on your plan and when you come to think of it you might just be the 21st to ask her out, so definitely never look for a woman to date in a bar.
After discussing the place where you should not go searching for a date, let us now and the top of the list would be coffee shops. Unlike women in bars, women who are in coffee shops are a bit of relax making them more approachable for guys who are spying out to ask her for a date. Women tend to unwind and cool off in coffee shops making her in the mood to entertain guys for a bit of talking, this is where you should come in to say something about the coffee, the weather or just anything under the sun that you could talk about.
The next best places to pick up women would be early in the morning on parks. Early morning on parks is the best way to catch a lot of attractive women jogging. For sure most of the pretty ladies would be body conscious and they would always want to stay looking fit, and the most fun and easy way for them to do is through jogging early in the morning, you would then come as the friendly guy who would start a little friendly conversation with here until you'll regularly have her jog with you every morning, and when the right time comes you could then ask her out on a date and for sure she won't be able to reject a friendly guy as you are.
The third choice of best places to pick up women and probably the easiest would be on internet websites. Social networks and online dating websites are the ways for you to get in touch with attractive women even from all over the world. Social networking sites are for those shy and indirect type of guys who are planning to befriend ladies first before telling them of their motive, one of these social networking sites is Facebook where you can befriend all the pretty ladies until you have choose one to date. Online dating websites are for those aggressive and straight to the point guys who would rather show his real motive directly, anyhow both of these sites are great for meeting up and dating women just make sure to upload a presentable photo of yourself at each website.
There you have it, the three best places to pick up women for a date and if you happen to be equipped with the right words and the right ways to approach a girl then you would not have a hard time on winning them, this is one of the best thing you'd get on internet websites because they also give you tips on how to handle girls, so good luck.
About the Author
Learn the right places to pick up a women and learn the right things to do and to say, learn them all in here best places to pick up women.
Josh Lau
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Neil Strauss Cheats on His Girlfriend
Neil Strauss, in the book, The Game, wrote many chapters about a woman named Lisa Leveridge. Lisa Leveridge is a guitarist, not a rock star, as I guarantee most of you reading this would have absolutely no idea who she is outside of being Neil's girlfriend at one time, and playing in some band that Courtney Love was in, but in the book, The Game, she also doubles as Neil's love interest. As the girl who was going to help him craft his story line.
Neil had a story he wanted to tell about the pick up community which was a basic Joseph Campbell story which classically goes through a couple of stages which I will tell you now. The first stage of the book is the exposition where a down and out chump lives an irrelevant life before he gets shit on by everyone. Shows lots o extreme examples of how much his life sucks, the first part of The Game, where he talks about how he was bad with women even though he wasn't. The protagonist has a revelation that changes his life, whether it's an event or meeting someone, life gets progressively better, pushing the protagonist out of his comfort zone, lots of extreme examples of how his new life is awesome and kicks ass, cracks form around him, but he is initially oblivious to it because of all the changes.
The protagonist has a revelation that all that glitters isn't gold, where Neil decides that banging a lot of chicks isn't good, realizes that he must find a balance between being a self-absorbed asshole and a chump that gets shit on, and then the protagonist lives a happy and fruitful life where he settles down with a girl less hot, but with more substance. Basically, it sounds like The Game, except for this little problem. Neil was cheating on Lisa the entire time, which you would think kind of changes the story. If the story is being a player and sleeping with a lot of girls and being dishonest and being obsessed with sex isn't a good thing and you have to grow up and you know, settle down with the person you think you were meant to be with, then you probably shouldn't cheat on them, or you should write--epilogue--this didn't work out because once I had opened the Pandora's box of being able to bang chicks, then I basically told this girl Kimmy in Las Vegas, that Mystery had banged her two sisters, that she was my girlfriend while I was dating with Lisa--and I'm Neil Strauss.
So it's kind of hypocritical to write this whole book that's supposedly non-fiction where you learn this life lesson when you didn't even actually learn the life lesson. You should write a book that said, yes, I was into the player lifestyle and now I'm never going back and I'm now obsessed with threesomes and this, that or the other which would be more representative of what Neil Strauss does, but for some reason he decided that he was going to write this lesson because it would sell more books and we got the portrait of Neil that is currently out there instead of who he actually is.
About the Author
Justin Cane is a writer for howtopickupgirlslies.com and if you'd like to know more info on the game by Neil Strauss and the mystery method please visit that site.
Justin Cane
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The Game by Neil Strauss Real Title
In the book, The Game, by Neil Strauss, Neil goes out of his way to bash, rag on, defame and insult a variety of characters who he also claims were his friends and who helped him learn a lot.
Mystery, his "best friend" and in the book, The Game, someone whom he describes as the most important man in his life, also gets ragged on for not being able to close the deal with the two of them met these two girls in Canada. Being bipolar and crazy, being violent, being out of control, holding a grudge, and a variety of things that led Mystery to tell me and several other people on many occasions that he felt that Neil had made him out to be much more crazy than he actually was which leads me to the title of this article, which is--The Real Title of the Book The Game--Should have been: Neil Strauss is Cool--Everyone Else Sucks.
Because if the title of the book was: Neil Strauss is Cool--Everyone Else Sucks, then it would explain why he goes out of his way to smash everyone. Juggler who gets to write his own chapter and who actually, in my opinion gets the least harsh criticism still is said to be not good with women. In a passage in the book, The Game, Neil describes Juggler West as an effective pick up artist, more of an interesting conversationalist, which--why would you go out of your way to say that, especially when the guy is running a business teaching guys to meet women. He describes Ross Jefferies in a way that makes him seek creepy and weird and socially inept, which, you know, having seen Ross Jefferies actually it's fairly accurate.
But he even goes out of his way to make fun of people who he barely knew, like Steven Playboy LA, who he describes as a nice guy and good looking, but with a weird habit of wearing pants too high, and wearing funny scarves, which as someone who has seen Playboy LA and never thought he dressed weird, and actually thought he dressed cool, and Steven actually has done fashion consulting, I would say Neil Strauss is just taking a shot, which is basically what Neil Strauss does, he takes shots at people, he looks for ways to make people kind of feel worst than him, because internally he realizes that he is actually a piece of shit, and that once people are around him long enough they will realize it, and they do, but there are also people out there who haven't been around him or who have outdated versions of what they think he actually is or does, and that's why I felt the need to get on this article and let you guys know that really the title of the book should have been-- Neil Strauss is Cool--Everyone Else Sucks.
About the Author
Justin Cane is a writer for howtopickupgirlslies.com and if you'd like to know more info on the game by Neil Strauss and the mystery method please visit that site.
Justin Cane
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Neil Strauss Might be the Worst Human Being Ever
In my opinion, Neil Strauss, the writer of the book The Game, may possibly be the worst human being alive who has never committed a major crime. What I mean by that is that obviously your murderers, your rapists, or assaulters, your drug dealers, really horrible people that are punished by the law, obviously are worst people than Neil Strauss, but if you stick to your tax-paying civilians who are lower to upper class and you just measure their behavior, Neil Strauss might be the worst person alive.
He is dishonest, he makes money from people he doesn't like, and from things he claims to be above. He is an asshole, he is manipulative, and he is dishonest, his books aren't even good. If you re-read any of his books you will find that once the initial interest in the subject goes over, the writing is forced and he doesn't use a range of emotional descriptions.
He wasn't really an outsider and he pretends to be which is dishonest, and he is really the same person he was in 1998 when he was described as a balding, dickless imp of a man who snickers under his breath 24 hours a day. It's my opinion also that he is some sort of a sociopath, because if you look at the classic displays and behavior of sociopaths, one of the things they do is dehumanize people into "its" which Neil writes about in The Game how he had to dehumanize and make it a game, and which he also talks about in this interview on foreign TV where he refuses to neg a woman because he didn't think it was nice, which says that the way that he tells people to meet women is not nice, which says a lot of interesting things as well about Neil.
He cheats on his girlfriends, cheated on Lisa Leveridge with this girl named Kimmy, he's cheated on a lot of girlfriends. He is proud to be a nerd and teaches people that it's okay to keep your antisocial and negative personality traits and just try to trick people into liking you as opposed to actually making yourself more attractive. He bangs Mystery's leftovers, he doesn't approach girls when they're by themselves or open and do pickup and yet he calls himself the best pick up artist in the world.
He doesn't like the people who are trying to learn this, I think that's a fundamental problem as well, like I genuinely like the people who are trying to get better at this and want them to succeed and want them to have positive interactions with women. I don't want to teach guys to get good with women if they're going to be manipulative and hurt women. I don't want that on my conscience and it would be nice if Neil Strauss wanted the same and was unhappy being, in my opinion, the worst human being alive--he didn't commit any major crime.
About the Author
Justin Cane is a writer for howtopickupgirlslies.com and if you'd like to know more info on the game by Neil Strauss and the mystery method please visit that site.
Justin Cane
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Neil Strauss DoesnaEUR(TM)t Like the Women He Approaches
whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. Neil Strauss Doesn’t Like the Women He Approaches by Justin Canein Relationships / Dating (submitted 2011-05-26)
An interesting fact about Neil Strauss is that he doesn't seem to like the women he approaches. In an interview that he did on foreign TV, Neil was asked to do a simulated approach and after trying to weasel his way out of it for a minute or two and making excuses about how he couldn't approach the girl because she's by herself, and they had to import a guy off the crew to come stand next to her, he eventually did the approach, and in doing the approach, he stopped himself and he said something very interesting, and he said, and I'm paraphrasing: I don't want to do the next part because the next part is where I'm going to make a kind of backhanded or mean compliment, and I don't want to do that to you because I like you, you're nice.
This brings up the idea as to why he does it with women he's attracted to, if they are not nice why are you approaching women that aren't nice? Why are you dating women you don't seem to like? If you don't get along with the people that you're having sex with, something is kind of wrong, because you should be able to get along with people and not have to resort to these underhanded tactics and trying to make people feel badly about themselves and things that you recognize are mean, and obviously Neil Strauss recognizes that what he's doing is mean, if he didn't want to do it on the reporter lady because she was, and I quote, "nice" which says a lot about what Neil Strauss thinks about the women that he picks up, has sex with and then dates.
Which goes back to the idea that I've said for a while which, in my opinion, Neil Strauss is a sociopath, he shows classic signs of sociopathic behavior because one of the things about sociopaths is they make these games and they dehumanize people, and one of the Neil writes about in The Game is how he dehumanized the first 15 minutes of approaching a woman, which I think does a great disservice to her, a great disservice to him, and a great disservice to any relationships that come out of that because when you think about women as "it", as opposed to "she" it changes how you can treat them and you can treat people badly, and some people respond to being treated badly, but it doesn't necessarily mean that they should still be treated badly.
Just because a woman likes guys who treats her like shit, or has a tendency towards that, she should be evolving not falling into that again, and Neil shouldn't be taking advantage of that because it's not right. There are ways to attract women that are positive and that are win-win, and that the woman feels great about being picked up the same way you feel great about picking her up instead of feeling manipulative, or feeling like you're not being nice, which Neil Strauss obviously feels like, according to this interview.
About the Author
Justin Cane is a writer for howtopickupgirlslies.com and if you'd like to know more info on the game by Neil Strauss and the mystery method please visit that site.
Justin Cane
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Neil Strauss Bangs Mystery's Leftovers
One of the interesting things about Neil Strauss is that while he purports himself to be this amazing pick up artist and in multiple places in his marketing calls himself the most powerful or best pick up artist in the world, he has a very peculiar habit of banging leftovers of Mystery's, Erik Van Mirkovich.
For example, there was this Asian girl that if you Google Neil Strauss a picture of the girlfriend will come up. You will see her, she's pretty, she's got faked boobs and blond hair and she's kind of ethnic, this was a girl that Mystery dated before Neil Strauss did and then Neil Strauss made her his girlfriend, which he has also done in the book The Game, when they talked about those two chicks that they met in Toronto, that Mystery couldn't bang the girl like forever and Neil could, which may or may not have happened that way. But also, he then went out and was dating Geeta Jones who, famously, had previously dated Stefan Hermann who is a dating teacher up North in Canada who had this crazy cult-like environment that collapsed around him and teaches a lot of very out-there spiritual techniques, but also allegedly does cocaine and hookers.
So the girlfriend who was involved in the cocaine and the hookers, allegedly, was a woman named Getta Jones who Neil Strauss then moved into his house and started dating because she was bi-sexual and Neil Strauss has a fetish for threesomes and foursomes, which is a little weird, and said some things about him. But it's really funny to me that Neil never talks about the fact that he bangs Mystery's leftovers or Stefan Hermann's leftovers. Like he never talks about the fact that he is basically swooping in and using the system from Always Sunny in Philadelphia--move in after completion, where he comes in and he s like the sensitive guy who these girls up after Mystery's has picked them up, fucked them, and then be the crazy person that they don't want to be around.
So it's almost like one of Neil Strauss systems for getting laid is being friends with Mystery, which again is not something that he teaches, he doesn't teach go out and find the guy who is really good with pick up, or really good with meeting women, and try to bang his girlfriends or his conquests after he has banged them, and you've been introduced and you've been talked about in a really good way. I think I should probably teach that as that's one of the ways that he seems to find his girlfriends consistently.
About the Author
Justin Cane is a writer for howtopickupgirlslies.com and if you'd like to know more info on the game by Neil Strauss and the mystery method please visit that site.
Justin Cane
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Get A Girl on Facebook - 3 Secrets to Get Your Internet Crush to Notice You
Level: Platinum
Spending half of his life being a shy boy without girl around him, Alan finally take a step out from his shell at his 20s. ... Article Word Count: 578[View Summary]Comments (0)
Some guys don't do too well in the dating market, so they use the Internet to meet potential lovers. Facebook is a great social networking site that allows you to keep your old friends and make new ones and even possibly find someone to be in a great relationship with.
The problem is, even on the Web, approaching women you don't know may make you look creepy. This is the case when the object of your desire is someone you don't know. She may be someone you saw from a Facebook application, game or on your friends' lists of contacts. Without the right approach, they may think you are some weird person stalking them. But with these secrets on how to talk to a girl on Facebook, you will be sure to charm anyone online:
1. Analyze your connection with her before reaching out to her.
If you don't know her, then you may have been blown away by her profile picture. But if you aren't a friend of hers, and her profile is in private mode, you won't get to see anything else. It is important to know how you and she is connected before you attempt to send her a friend request or a message. Was it a game that both of you are playing? Are you using the same Facebook application? Did you click on a fan page that she also did? Do you have mutual friends? Any of these connections will be important when you proceed to the next step.
When you've figured out the link, you can finally send her a friendly hello on her inbox. Better yet, add her up.
2. Understand her reactions and go with it.
You may get a short "Who's this?" or a "Do I know you?" The first one, obviously, is a little cold and suggests that she may not be interested in hooking up. However, the second response is a little friendlier so you can reply by using the info you gathered in step 1. Tell her how you are connected, and wait patiently for her reply. If you are lucky, she won't even bother replying because she will add you on her friends list right away. When she does, you will finally have access to her entire profile. After you are done ogling at her photos and reading her info page, proceed to step 3 when she is online.
3. Start a chat with her.
Since you are now friends, you will be able to see when she is online. You should begin to talk to her with a hello or a hi, but nothing that suggests that you've read everything in her profile. You can use how you are connected. For example, if you know her through a fan page, say hi and if she replies, say something like, "So you're a fan of Chris Brown too". If she has time to talk to you, she will most likely reply with a humorous yet warm line. Just remember to keep it friendly and interesting, but not suggestive.
Here are the three secrets on how to talk to a girl on Facebook. Remember that whatever you do you want to appear as someone who is friendly, not a stalker-type kind of guy. Be open, humorous and engaging, focusing on your common interest. Do not try and make the conversation sexual unless she's aboard, and try to keep it light until you meet up in person.
You know what to do, now see what you must NOT do so you're not screwing up your own chance at dating on Facebook. Don't forget to learn how to create an attractive profile at online dating for men.
Article Source:http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Alan_Edward_RobinsonRobinson, Alan E.".".18 Apr. 2011EzineArticles.com.25 May. 2011
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What Sucks About Online Dating
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Once upon a time in a land far, far away, I knew a guy. This guy was interesting because he lived his life by everything bad, not good. That may sound a little strange but consider your life and the conversations you may have on any given day. How often are you inundated with advertising, or endorsements from friends or messages preaching the positives of something? For example, "This restaurant is great because it has the best salad bar in town." Or how about, "You should shop at Nordstrom's this weekend because they are having a great sale!" My most recent message, "You should stay at this hotel because they have the largest rooms!"
Everybody in the world from industry to people always puts their best foot forward. They highlight the good, and hide the bad. We sell based on our assets, we win based on being the best. This did not work on the guy I knew. He lived his life by everything bad. He wanted to know that the lettuce in the salad was 3 days old instead of fresh. If that was not bad enough for him to avoid, he would eat the salad. If the sale at Nordstrom's was going on, he would want to know the mark-up Nordstrom's is making on each on sale item. If it was not too much, he would shop the sale. If this guy was hotel shopping, he would want to know that the maid service is horrible, and that the room smelled like smoke. If he could live with the bad, he would move forward.
Let's take his notion and talk about something so very near and dear to all of our wandering hearts. The theory here: If you knew all the things bad about dating online, can you live with them? Does the benefit outweigh the drawbacks?
1) There are a lot of fake profiles on dating websites. Fake profiles are spammers posing as real people. When choosing a website to meet people, you have a lot of options. Many dating sites have advanced spam filters and moderators that block spam activity and thus, keeping the nuisance to a minimum. On the flip side the vast majority of websites do not have any spam filters, meaning 9 out of every 10 members are fake! Pick your website of choice carefully, and know that no matter what, you have to be weary of spammers.
2) The quality of online candidates is low. While this perception of online dating cannot be considered false, it most certainly cannot be considered true! People believe that those who online date cannot find a date in real life because they are not good looking or are socially inept. Fact: Not all people on online dating websites look like Brad Pitt or Megan Foxx. Fact: Some people join dating websites because they are not graced with the skill or confidence to meet strangers in a social environment. Fact: Just because the first two are facts, it does not mean these are poor quality members! Bottom line, a dating website is a reflection of the real world and there is something for everyone. Who is anybody to judge what is good or bad? Realize that when you date online, have to meet people you're not going to like until you find your perfect match. That's life. The next time you are in a crowded room, look around you. It'll resemble all the members on an inernet dating site.
3) There aren't enough people in my area. For many dating websites, especially the younger ones, this is most certainly true, especially if you live in a rural area. If this is the case, you have two things you may have to learn to deal with. - You could meet somebody online through a dating website that lives in the nearest major city or town to you, and commute. The commute may be a drag, but would you drive an hour to find the man of your dreams? Your other option is to join the website, and keep checking your profile on a weekly basis to keep track of all the new people joining who live in your area, and have first pick of the litter! If you feel like being philanthropic, you can even share the dating profile with some of your friends, who will then share it with their friends via Facebook, Twitter or whatever. Before you know it, a huge number of people will be joining that internet dating website in your area, and you're not going to know any of them!
4) Online dating is frowned upon. It may be shocking, but even in today's world there are people who do not respect the service internet dating provides the lonely. In their defense, these people have low confidence, low self esteem and will probably be single forever. They are not date worthy. Those who online date need courage to try something new, wisdom to play the online introduction game, and the confidence to dismiss the fools who judge. At the end of the day, you will marry and live a happy life, and they will not.
In conclusion, Online Dating Sucks! So do hotel rooms, so does Nordstrom's, and so do all restaurants. No matter what the service, subject, or product, there is something wrong with them. Online dating is not for everybody, because for some, the bad outweighs the good. On the flip side, you should now know the negative things about online dating. Are you able to deal with the bad when the end result could be the love of your life? You be the judge...
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Article Submitted On: April 17, 2011

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