
How to Flirt With Women With Success - The Best Ways to Flirt With a Girl or Woman

   by Eden Gibsons and Jules Montyin Relationships / Dating    (submitted 2011-05-27)

You may have seen someone you are really interested in but you just don't know how to approach her in a way that she'll be impressed with you and want to talk more to you (rather than wanting to run away from you!). This can be a very frustrating experience and you may be overwhelmed with doubts as to what to do in order to avoid making a mess and ruining all your chances. You are not alone, every man or guy, no matter how confident or good looking they may be, will go through the same doubts and feelings, especially if they are really interested in that particular woman or girl.

The first approach sometimes makes a huge difference in how successful you will be with her; this is not a cliche but it's true, unfortunately, because human psyche is very fallible and relies on clues obtained at first glances and in the first stages of any approach. So, what can you do to make sure your approach is a victorious one; what can you do to make sure she'll want to see you again? How to make sure she'll ask for your number?
Simple but very effective ways are:
1 - Be approachable and friendly to everybody. It is true that some love the mysterious guy, the rugged, solitary man, but if you want her to approach you and feel comfortable with you if you approach her you need to give the impression that you are someone who makes people at ease. Smile at people; be confident with everybody and anybody, especially if she can see you whilst you interact with others.
2 - Be funny. Crack jokes and, if you see her laugh at her, don't hesitate to start talking to her in a very casual way, as if you didn't care about her but wanted to be friendly anyway.
3 - Climb the connection ladder through her friends. If you know her friends (but never let them know what you feel about her) you will then be able to go out in a group, which will make it a lot easier to find out what she likes, how she reacts to being talk to and what she likes to hear.

If you are dating her already there are psychological ways to make her fall in love with you hopelessly and completely; find out all about it on the (free) page MAKE HER FALL IN LOVE. If you wonder if she likes you, find out all the attraction and love signs on the (free) page SIGNS SHE LOVES YOU.

About the Author

Jules Monty and Eden Gibsons are permanent contributors to the love website http://www.mysearchingforlove.com

Eden Gibsons and Jules Monty

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