
Neil Strauss DoesnaEUR(TM)t Like the Women He Approaches

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whereby the original author's information and copyright must be included. Neil Strauss Doesn’t Like the Women He Approaches   by Justin Canein Relationships / Dating    (submitted 2011-05-26)

An interesting fact about Neil Strauss is that he doesn't seem to like the women he approaches. In an interview that he did on foreign TV, Neil was asked to do a simulated approach and after trying to weasel his way out of it for a minute or two and making excuses about how he couldn't approach the girl because she's by herself, and they had to import a guy off the crew to come stand next to her, he eventually did the approach, and in doing the approach, he stopped himself and he said something very interesting, and he said, and I'm paraphrasing: I don't want to do the next part because the next part is where I'm going to make a kind of backhanded or mean compliment, and I don't want to do that to you because I like you, you're nice.

This brings up the idea as to why he does it with women he's attracted to, if they are not nice why are you approaching women that aren't nice? Why are you dating women you don't seem to like? If you don't get along with the people that you're having sex with, something is kind of wrong, because you should be able to get along with people and not have to resort to these underhanded tactics and trying to make people feel badly about themselves and things that you recognize are mean, and obviously Neil Strauss recognizes that what he's doing is mean, if he didn't want to do it on the reporter lady because she was, and I quote, "nice" which says a lot about what Neil Strauss thinks about the women that he picks up, has sex with and then dates.

Which goes back to the idea that I've said for a while which, in my opinion, Neil Strauss is a sociopath, he shows classic signs of sociopathic behavior because one of the things about sociopaths is they make these games and they dehumanize people, and one of the Neil writes about in The Game is how he dehumanized the first 15 minutes of approaching a woman, which I think does a great disservice to her, a great disservice to him, and a great disservice to any relationships that come out of that because when you think about women as "it", as opposed to "she" it changes how you can treat them and you can treat people badly, and some people respond to being treated badly, but it doesn't necessarily mean that they should still be treated badly.

Just because a woman likes guys who treats her like shit, or has a tendency towards that, she should be evolving not falling into that again, and Neil shouldn't be taking advantage of that because it's not right. There are ways to attract women that are positive and that are win-win, and that the woman feels great about being picked up the same way you feel great about picking her up instead of feeling manipulative, or feeling like you're not being nice, which Neil Strauss obviously feels like, according to this interview.
About the Author

Justin Cane is a writer for howtopickupgirlslies.com and if you'd like to know more info on the game by Neil Strauss and the mystery method please visit that site.

Justin Cane

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